Takoma Park - Magic Hippie Land on the Border - Continued
Still interested in exploring the world of Takoma Park, and now finally tired of cooking, the Kleiner and the Kleinette headed back up to Takoma Park tonight to have dinner at Mark’s Kitchen, a cool sort of asian-american diner that mixes deli sandwiches, ginger ice cream sundaes with bulgogi platters and stuffed acorn squashes. As we both are very vegetarian friendly/or are vegetarians this was a perfect choice. Marks Kitchenlooks like a diner, white tables, aluminium pull out chairs and no booths. I’ve had the Vegetable Curry with Brown Rice, which is really tasty and not too spicy, and feels extremely healthy. I’ve also had bento boxes with various vegetables and seaweed that were delicious as well. I like the variety of a bento and the healthiness of simply prepared veggies. Tonight, I had Spinach Tofu Pancakes served with a soy-raspberry sauce, string beans, roasted sweet potato, salad and brown rice. I really liked this dish, it felt healthy and the tastes were savory and rich. Clocking in at about $9.50, it was a very perfect price. The Kleiner had a huge veggie club sandwich that even included fake bacon. Served with real, hand cut French fries and cole slaw this was a also a great option for a vegetarian often relegated to a veggie burger, grilled portabello, or hummus wrap. I love Mark’s Kitchen, and will probably be back.
After dinner, we made our way over to Video Americain, a video/film/dvd/movie rental shop that looked like it could have belonged equally as much in Takoma Park as it would in Somerville, MA or Brooklyn, NY. Its offerings are organized by country/genre/and sometimes even by director. It has a sofa and a television mid-store for any sampling you might want to do. I was woo'd by the 90s indie-emo flicks, the Israeli films, the British TV series and all the African movies... I'll let the Kleiner take over reviewing it as he is the filmie and I the companion on these sorts of jaunts....
Hi! I'm a resident of Mt. Pleasant, an eclectic, well-loved diverse neighborhood located in on a hill in the northwest section of Washington, D.C. I originally started this blog with my boyfriend to share our thoughts about the various adventures and goings-on we experience every day. While we originally decided to co-write the blog, posting slowed down and life sped up, hence, very little from us. Now, I'm going to take it over as primary writer, however the gist stays the same. So if you read this blog, you can expect to hear about:
Where we travel.
Where we eat.
Where we party.
What we cook.
What movies we see.
What concerts we go to.
What TV shows we watch.
Our thoughts on the life and times of our home city, of which one of us is a lifer and the other a recent but enthusiastic adoptee.
And all kinds of other fun stuff! All accompanied by cool photos! So come back soon or put us in your feed.
And if you're wondering how we picked our pseudonyms and blog title, check out this Washington Post chat with Ezra Klein from August 27th:
Adam - Zurich, Switzerland: A bit off topic, but maybe you could throw this in at the end of your chat session. My wife and I are moving to the DC area, where would you recommend living for an urban 30-something couple? If you had to choose between Clarendon, Rosslyn or Ballston, which would it be?
Ezra Klein: None of them! I recommend living in DC if you can, particularly the Mt. Pleasant or Columbia Heights area. Petworth is getting better fast, and it's comparatively affordable, and some interesting stuff is happening down in the 5th and K area.
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